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[from Jun 03, 2008 to Jun 10, 2008)

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News, Tech Blogs, Scientific Publications and more

Tech news [?]

Posts from the following websites:

  • techcrunch.com
  • venturebeat.com
  • gizmodo.com
  • arstechnica.com
  • theverge.com
  • wired.com
  • vice.com
  • zdnet.com
  • engadget.com
  • technologyreview.com
  • cnet.com
  • vox.com
  • fastcompany.com
  • protocol.com
  • wired.co.uk
  • therecord.media
  • qz.com
  • techradar.com
  • techspot.com
  • pcgamer.com
  • thenextweb.com
  • restofworld.org
  • bleepingcomputer.com

News [?]

Posts from the following websites:

  • nytimes.com
  • theguardian.com
  • edition.cnn.com
  • bloomberg.com
  • bbc.com
  • wsj.com
  • reuters.com
  • washingtonpost.com
  • cnbc.com
  • theatlantic.com
  • bbc.co.uk
  • theregister.com
  • npr.org
  • economist.com
  • ft.com
  • cnn.com
  • forbes.com
  • newyorker.com
  • apnews.com
  • axios.com
  • businessinsider.com
  • finance.yahoo.com
  • nbcnews.com
  • msn.com
  • thehill.com
  • independent.co.uk
  • nypost.com
  • dw.com
  • lite.cnn.com
  • slate.com
  • scmp.com
  • politico.com
  • latimes.com
  • nbcnews.com
  • fortune.com
  • news.yahoo.com
  • aljazeera.com
  • asia.nikkei.com
  • time.com
  • sfchronicle.com
  • abc.net.au
  • cbsnews.com
  • euronews.com
  • telegraph.co.uk
  • reason.com
  • cbc.ca
  • dailymail.co.uk
  • theintercept.com
  • sfgate.com
  • politico.eu
  • buzzfeednews.com

Scientific publications [?]

Posts from the following websites:

  • arxiv.org
  • phys.org
  • spectrum.ieee.org
  • space.com
  • ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • pnas.org
  • nasa.gov

Dev Blogs [?]

Posts from the following websites:

  • phoronix.com
  • lwn.net
  • thenewstack.io
  • hackernoon.com
  • blog.twitter.com
  • blog.mozilla.org
  • openai.com
  • engineering.fb.com
  • stripe.com
  • krebsonsecurity.com
  • coindesk.com
  • blog.google
  • brendangregg.com
  • threatpost.com
  • stackoverflow.blog
  • github.blog
  • infoq.com
  • portswigger.net
  • betterprogramming.pub
  • ai.googleblog.com
  • blog.cloudflare.com
  • devblogs.microsoft.com
  • cloud.google.com
  • schneier.com
  • nextplatform.com
  • developer.apple.com

Tech blogs [?]

Posts from the following websites:

  • macrumors.com
  • 9to5mac.com
  • tomshardware.com
  • hackaday.com
  • anandtech.com
  • newatlas.com
  • appleinsider.com
  • eff.org

FAANG+ [?]

Posts from the following websites:

  • aws.amazon.com
  • amazon.com
  • microsoft.com
  • apple.com

Misc and Hobbies [?]

Posts from the following websites:

  • thedrive.com
  • atlasobscura.com
  • electrek.co
  • aeon.co
  • lesswrong.com
  • hbr.org
  • torrentfreak.com
  • nationalgeographic.com
  • docs.google.com
  • web.archive.org
  • stratechery.com
  • archive.org

Science News [?]

Posts from the following websites:

  • nature.com
  • livescience.com
  • techxplore.com
  • interestingengineering.com
  • science.org
  • medicalxpress.com
  • quantamagazine.org
  • scientificamerican.com
  • theconversation.com
  • nautil.us
  • sciencealert.com
  • smithsonianmag.com
  • news.mit.edu
  • sciencedaily.com
  • sciencedirect.com
  • scitechdaily.com
  • newscientist.com
  • sciencemag.org
  • eurekalert.org
  • bmj.com

Github repos and gists [?]

Posts from the following websites:

  • github.com
  • gist.github.com

Wikipedia [?]

Posts matching the following domain: wikipedia.org

Blogs [?]

Posts from the following websites:

  • medium.com
  • world.hey.com
  • danluu.com
  • jvns.ca
  • paulgraham.com

Stackoverflow [?]

Posts from the following websites:

  • stackoverflow.com

Substack [?]

Posts matching the following domain: substack.com